E.ON ERC - ACS - Bettina Bot - Testserver

Bettina Bot the personal reports collection service

At ACS, we collect personal reports from each employee every month. While this this was once done by our chief engeneer manually, we have switched to an automated collection of reports. This is done by Bettina Bot.

How is my report collected?

You will get an email with a request to upload your report. The email will contain a personalized link directly to the upload page. The link will only be valid for you and permanently refers to the month that is explicitly stated in the email. You can and should keep the email with the personalized link in order to view your uploaded report or to edit the content of the report later. If you do not upload your report in time, there will be two additional recall emails with the same link.

What is the schedule of the report collection?

  • 28th of month: inital request
  • 3th of following month: 1st recall
  • 5th of following month: 2nd and final recall
  • 8th of following month: final reporting to acs-leitung

Who can see my report?

All reports are collected at a central space that can only be accessd by the heads of department. Additionally your teamleader gets a carbon copy of your report.

How should my report look like?

You hand in your report technically in the form of a simple text file. The file is written in markdown - a very easy to use form of structuring information in a simple text file.

While editing you see the file more like plain text:

report as plaintext

After uploading the file you will see it with the structure information beeing applied:

report as rendered markdown

Your report consists of three major sections: Work Description, Working Time and Remarks.

Work Description

The section Work Description should contain a brief information about what you actually did and for what purpose. It consinst of four subsections: Project Contribution, Research Progress, Teaching and Institute Services.

Project Contribution

List the projects you are contributing to. Tag your projects with the letter P followed by an ascending number. Add subtasks you did for the project.

Research Progress

List the research topics you did research about. Tag your topics with the letter R optionally followed by an ascending number (if you want to refer explicitly to that topics in your Working Time table). Add some more details.


List the names of lectures you have been contributing to. Tag them with the letter T optionally followed by an ascending number (if you want to refer explicitly to that lectures in your Working Time table). Add some more details about your contribution.

Institute Services

There are a lot of possible services you may have done for the institute that do not fit ito any of the other three categories. This is the place to list them. Tag them with the letter S optionally followed by an ascending number (if you want to refer explicitly to that service in your Working Time table). Add some more details about your contribution.

Working Time

The Working Time section consists of a single table where you can refer to your labeled activities and indicate what percentage of your working time was consumed by that activity. You can use the Name column of the table as a mnemonic (easier way to remeber the meaning of the tag).


The Remarks section can be used for any kind of remark you may wish to add. However you should always indicate if there was a relevant amount of absense in the reported month.

Is there a report template?

If you haven't uploaded any report via Bettina Bot yet, you will find a link to a template file for your report on the upload page. Otherwise a link to download your previous report is offered.

How do I send a report in advance?

It may happen, that you are on a holiday during the time when the reports typically are collected, and thus are not able to hand in your report as a response to the email request in time. In this case you can upload your report in advance if you use the link from the email request in the previous month. You should see your previous report and below a link preceeded by upload a report for the next period in advance.